Salam Alaykom wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatu
Famous pics that people share for the purpose of spreading Islam, while they actually bring shame for Islam
Indeed Allah said in 41:53
We will soon show them Our signs in the Universe and in their own souls,
until it will become quite clear to them that it is the truth.
But what is a sign? What is a miracle?
A sign is something everyone understands whether they were Muslims or non Muslims, illiterate or literate, Arabic speaking or non Arabic speaking
Why in such pics the name of Allah and Muhammed are always written in Arabic?
In one of the pics we'll see later the name of Allah supposingly appears in woods of Canada,
Wouldn't it be easier to show the Canadians that Islam is the truth if the name of Allah was written in English or French?
A miracle a sign is like splitting of the moon,
Everyone can see and understand, it doesn't need translation
A miracle is like the stick of Moses among magicians
Is like Jesus bringing the dead back to life among physicians
Is like the illiterate Muhammed reciting Quran among poets
A miracle is not finding the name of Allah in Arabic inside a bee cell or in woods in Turkey
This snap is taken from a secular website,
The topic is titled "testing the retardness of Islamists"
Mr. slovin8 suggests fabricating illogical stories and posting it to Islamic forums
then Mr. icewind suggests making a story about ultrasonic waves created by plants and that American scientists when they measured these waves it wrote the name of Allah on the screen
then Mr slovin8 brings the image of oscilloscope and suggests writing the name of Allah but not perfectly so that it would be more convincing
and the members of that forums came out with the fabricated story and published it, and sadly Muslims believed it and kept repeating subhan Allah subhan Allah
and the secular guys laugh!!
let's now see some of these fabricated pics and comment on it
Prayers in their known form of ruku and sujood are obligatory on Muslims because they have choice
but these creatures, they don't pray like us
what about other creatures that cannot prostrate like fish, scorpions and bees
are they kaffir?
why not all trees pray like that? or this tree is the only Muslim tree in the world?
A miracle in Canada written in Arabic so that Canadians can understand it !!!
The name of Allah on an eggplant, but what if we cut the eggplant from another angle, would the miracle appear too?
Does the miracle need special directions to appear and deliver the message to people?
The muslim elephant prostrates when the boy reads Quran
I read Quran infront of my cat and she didn't prostrate, is she kaffir?
The miraculous fish
Real pic before it got fabricated by Photoshop
The name of Allah written in Arabic on Tsunami waves so that the Thai people could understand the message !!!
Nasa stuff
The so called line of splitting of the moon
The so called images of Haram
If these pics are not fabricated, show them to me on NASA's official website
The Omani girl who was turned into a monkey because she humiliated Quran is nothing but a statue in an anti-cloning Campaign
Different forms of fabrication
The statement of Tawheed written on a locust but sadly there was not enough space for the name of Allah so the fabricator wrote it on the other wing
could this be the creation of Allah?
The Egyptian woman whose children cut the pages of Quran and the name of Allah disappeared from it
doesn't this contradict with Allah's saying 15:9
Surely We have revealed the Reminder and We will most surely be its guardian.
is it possible that Allah guards His name only and leaves the rest of Quran words?
This is not the tomb of our beloved prophet,
It is the tomb of the sufi Jalul Deen Ar-Rumi
That was just a sample and there is many more
If you want to call people to Islam
Call them by wisdom and reminders from Quran
People need to know more about Allah
Instead of sending them the name of Allah on an eggplant,
Send them surat al ikhlaas (112), it says alot about Allah in short verses
If you want to attach people to Islam
Show them the mercy and the good manners of our beloved prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
Not send them a pic of a stone that has the name Muhammed written on it
Now a question arises
After you shared these pics with your friends and showed them the so called miracles
Did you put more effort in worship?
Did you read more about your faith?
Did you change yourself to the better in order to please Allah?
And a last word about the scientific miracles of Quran and sunnah
yes Quran and sunnah contain scientific miracles
but don't believe anything you read blindly
words like
scientists have discovered
researches have proven that
are not enough
We need to see the scientific evidence from a published research, we should know who made that research and in which university and all the details of the research
Islam teaches us to verify everything we read, any hadith we read we must verify if it is authentic or not
why do we feel lazy when it comes to science?
There is a lot of liars who want to make Islam and Muslims look bad, so don't believe anything you read unless you verify its soundness
Don't share and post anything on Islam before you verify if it is true or not, you may misguide someone by copying things without verification
And on the day of judgement you will be asked about the people you misguided and the shame you brought to Islam and the people who hated Islam because of you