01 March, 2012

Earth is rounded says Muslim Scholars 1000 years ago

This article is a translation of some sayings of great Muslim scholars regarding the shape of the earth and this refutes the lies that are made against Islam saying that Muslims believe earth is flat

Imam Ibn Hazm (994-1064)
In Al-Fasl fe Al-Mellal wal Ahwa' wal Nehal 2/78
بيان كروية الأرض
Explanation of roundness of the earth

إن أحداً من أئمة المسلمين المستحقين لاسم الإمامة بالعلم رضي الله عنهم لم ينكروا تكوير الأرض ولا يحفظ لأحد منهم في دفعه كلمة بل البراهين من القرآن والسنة قد جاءت بتكويرها قال الله عز وجل‏.‏ يكور الليل على النهار ويكور النهار على الليل‏.‏

No one of the imams of Muslims who deserve the title of imam may Allah be pleased by them denied the roundness of earth and there is no word from them that is preserved to indicate the contrary.
verily the proofs from Quran and sunnah came proving its roundness, Allah Almighty says
yokawwer al lail ala an-nahar wa yokawwer an-nahar ala al lail 39:5

Ar-Razi (1149-1209)
Says in his book Mafateeh Al-Ghaib

Commenting on the verse 13:3
And it is He who spread out the earth, and set thereon mountains standing firm and (flowing) rivers: and fruit of every kind He made in pairs, two and two: He draweth the night as a veil o'er the Day. Behold, verily in these things there are signs for those who consider!

والكرة إذا كانت في غاية الكبر، كان كل قطعة منها تشاهد كالسطح
The ball if it was very big, every piece of it would be seen as a spread out floor.

And in 21/167
ثبت بالدليل أن الأرض كرة وأن السماء محيطة بها، ولا شك أن الشمس في الفلك.. ومعلوم أن جلوس قوم في قرب الشمس غير موجود، وأيضاً الشمس أكبر من الأرض بمرات كثيرة، فكيف يعقل دخولها في عين من عيون الأرض ؟ إذا ثبت هذا فنقول: تأويل قوله: " تَغْرُبُ فِيْ عَيْنٍ حَمِئَةٍ " من وجوه.. أن ذا القرنين لما بلغ موضعها في المغرب ولم يبق بعده شيء من العمارات، وجد الشمس كأنها تغرب في عينٍ وهدةٍ مظلمةٍ ـ وإن لم تكن كذلك في الحقيقة ـ كما أن راكب البحر يرى الشمس كأنها تغيب في البحر إذا لم ير الشط، وهي في الحقيقة تغيب وراء البحر.. 

It was proven that earth is a ball and the sky surround it and there is no doubt that the sun is much greater than the earth so how could it enter in a pool on the earth!!!
When Thu Al- Qarnain reached a place in the west where there was no more buildings he found the sun as if it was setting in a dark pool -while it wasn't in fact- it is like the sailor seeing the sun as if it is disappearing into the sea for he didn't see the land while it actually sets behind the sea.

Ibn Timiah (1263-1328)
مجموع الفتوى المجلد السادس ص 587 و ما بعدها
Majmu' Al Fatawa 6/587

وَقَالَ تَعَالَى : (( يُكَوِّرُ اللَّيْلَ عَلَى النَّهَارِ وَيُكَوِّرُ النَّهَارَ عَلَى اللَّيْلِ )) .

قَالُوا : وَ " التَّكْوِيرُ " التَّدْوِيرُ يُقَالُ : كَوَّرْت الْعِمَامَةَ وَكَوَّرْتهَا : إذَا دَوَّرْتهَا وَيُقَالُ : لِلْمُسْتَدِيرِ كَارَةٌ وَأَصْلُهُ " كورة " تَحَرَّكَتْ الْوَاوُ وَانْفَتَحَ مَا قَبْلَهَا فَقُلِبَتْ أَلِفًا .

وَيُقَالُ أَيْضًا : " كُرَةٌ " وَأَصْلُهُ كُورَةٌ وَإِنَّمَا حُذِفَتْ عَيْنُ الْكَلِمَةِ كَمَا قِيلَ فِي ثُبَةٍ وَقُلَةٍ .

وَاللَّيْلُ وَالنَّهَارُ ، وَسَائِرُ أَحْوَالِ الزَّمَانِ تَابِعَةٌ لِلْحَرَكَةِ ; فَإِنَّ الزَّمَانَ مِقْدَارُ الْحَرَكَةِ ; وَالْحَرَكَةُ قَائِمَةٌ بِالْجِسْمِ الْمُتَحَرِّكِ فَإِذَا كَانَ الزَّمَانُ التَّابِعُ لِلْحَرَكَةِ التَّابِعَةِ لِلْجِسْمِ مَوْصُوفًا بِالاسْتِدَارَةِ كَانَ الْجِسْمُ أَوْلَى بِالِاسْتِدَارَةِ .

And the Almighty says in 39:5
He created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day overlap the Night: He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His law): Each one follows a course for a time appointed. Is not He the Exalted in Power - He Who forgives again and again? 

note from the translator
the word translated as overlap is yokawwer يكور

The language scholars said
takweerتكوير  is the process of making something round, It is said kawwartahaكورتها to the turban if it is made rounded,
And the round object is called karahكارة and originally kawraكورة and korahكرة

Night and daytime and other times of the day depend on movement, and time is verily a measurement of movement, And movement occurs by a moving body.
So calling the time -which depends on movement and movement depends on a moving object- round makes the moving body round.

In Majmu' al fatawa 25/195
Ibn taimiah reported the agreement of Muslim scholars that earth is round through Imam Abu Hussain Ahmed bin Ja'far bin Al-Munady

وقال الإمام أبو الحسين أحمد بن جعفر بن المنادي من أعيان العلماء المشهورين بمعرفة الآثار والتصانيف الكبار في فنون العلوم الدينية من الطبقة الثانية من أصحاب أحمد:...كذلك أجمعوا على أن الأرض بجميع حركاتها من البر والبحر مثل الكرة. قال: ويدل عليه أن الشمس والقمر والكواكب لا يوجد طلوعها وغروبها على جميع من في نواحي الأرض في وقت واحد، بل على المشرق قبل المغرب

And they indeed agreed that the earth with all what it contains from land and sea is like a ball, and this is proved by (the fact that) the sun,the moon and planets don't appear and disappear to all those who are on the earth at the same time, but to the east before the west.

Ibn Kathir (1301–1373)
In Tafsir of 3:133
أن النهار إذا تغشى وجه العالم من هذا الجانب ، فإن الليل يكون من الجانب الآخر
When the day overcomes this side of the world, the night overtakes the other side.

These were the sayings of Muslim scholars over thousand years ago based on Quran
So in conclusion
and who claims otherwise is ignorant

You can read more on what Islam says about the planet earth here:

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